John Gallas Poetry


Carcanet Press Limited

Buy all John Gallas poetry books here. 'Practical Anarchy', 'Flying Carpets Over Filbert Street', 'Grrrrr', 'Resistance is Futile', 'The Song Atlas', 'Star City','The Book With Twelve Tales' and '40 Lies' (poems and pictures by John Gallas and Sarah Kirby),'Fresh Air/The Story of Molecule', '52 Euros'.

Agraphia Press

Buy 'The Ballad of Robin Hood and the Deer' and 'The Ballad of Santo Caserio' by John Gallas here. The poems were written for pictures by Clifford Harper, whose press this is.

Stand Magazine

John Gallas's work has featured in Stand Magazine since 2003.

Best New Zealand Poems 2009/2012

2009 In the company of many little masterpieces, 'The Mongolian Women's Orchestra'.
2012 'Encounter with a Taniwha' : Taniwhas may do this, why seek any other explanation ?

The Best of Best New Zealand Poems

'The Mongolian Women's Orchestra' plays on ... and on ...
complete with audio/reading of poem by author

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